
MobComp can give advise in many areas. Our strength is that we are fearless of asking even uncomfortable questions if the situation requires it. Further we know that we will find more than one viable solution to any found problem. Lateral thinking is what we are best at.

Follows a list of topics we consider the most important:

Unstructured Data Analysis/Artificial Intelligence (UDA/AI)

This two technics have become crucial not only for business or military intelligence but also when it comes to system log and event analysis. This
technics allows us to decompose every action (mail, document, hacker attack...) and to observe it from different point of view. Play scenarios and
prepare for the next step. UDA/AI will broaden your view, make it sharper with every iteration and let you gain positive momentum from negative incidents.
But most of all it will boost the performance of the company.

Use Cases:

Every IDS (Intrusion Detection System) will raise a lot of alert, which must be reviewed. Most of which after SO (Security Officer) has had a closer look at will be discarded and classified as false-positive because the infrastructure has already been protected against. In this situation the problem lies in the fact that the SO will get dull toward alarms as such.

Brand new attack types can't be discovered by IDS but it might be that a sequence of known alarms are raised due to the attack where each of them is "normaly" discarded but in this situation they are disguising the real threat.

With the use of AI we could have our SO backed by a piece of software which has preliminarily saved to memory alarm type sequence and time span between the alarms.
Further the software would also have some type of trigger raising events when the alarm sequence is unknown and/or the time span is to short.

In short: UDA/AI will bring up relation not seen a first sight.

Have a look at MCP_Smartlink for another example.


Every institution must implement some level of security. The level of infrastructure hardening is mostly defined by:

•   The dependency level between the business activities and the IT infrastructure (down time cost) 
•   The institution field of activity and the involved clients (data confidentiality)
Thus, firm infrastructure security is not only cost driven but also expected by customers or requested by the market. Depending on the readiness of the management to take risks, the security will either be high or low. To ensure that the investment in security is adequate MobComp can:
•   Audit your company infrastructure
•   Generate an audit rapport with flaw (weakness) list and weight. 
•   Propose solutions for high risk flaws including cost.
•   Implement and supervise the system adjustment.


The transformation and adaptation of hard- and software infrastructure to meet the new challenge of digitalisation is a complex process.
MobComp can propose, define, oversee as well as implement the steps toward the automation of your business, which may consist of following stages and
corresponding output. Situation analyses comprising hard and software inventory where the output will be a document holding the infrastructure-topology
where each component (hard or software) is defined by

•   Unique name
•   Use (System role)
•   Sensitivity
•   Importance
•   Interfaces
Data flow analyses based on the actual business cases (component interaction). Output: Document holding
•   Proposal for potential shortcuts and process acceleration (if any)
•   List of used interfaces and possible extension 
•   List of software module which could effectively fill gaps
•   Cost and Time approximation